9: Frate Alberto [DRAFT]

Where possible I have used the translations given at the beginning of the chapter or elsewhere in the Trask text: where this is the case I have marked it with a '*'. Where translations from Boccacio are not given at all in the Trask text, I have used the translation of the Decameron by J.M. Rigg, London, 1921 (first printed 1903), and available online here. Translations from Dante’s Divine Comedy generally use the Mandelbaum translation, available here. Both of these are in the public domain. 

206 essendo: 'being' *

206 quistionando: 'questioning' (as in disputing 'upon the question of female charms' *)

206 la sua: 'her own' *

206 ogni altra: 'all others' *

206 se voi sapeste a cui la mia bellezza piace: 'An you but knew whom my beauty pleaseth' *

207 ma l'intiendiménto mío / é l'ágnolo Gabriéllo 'he I mean [my sweetheart] is the angel Gabriel' *

207 se  l'ágnolo Gabriéllo / é vóstro intiendiménto 'an the angel Gabriel be your lover' *

207 nel mondo o in maremma: 'in the world or in the Maremma' *

207 marido: 'husband' *

207 per le piaghe del Dio: 'zounds' * [for the wounds of God]

207 mo vedi vu: 'seestow now?' * [do you see now?]

207 ma perciocchè io gli paio più bella che niuna ne sia in cielo, s'è egli innamorato di me: 'for that I seem to him fairer than any she in heaven, he hath fallen in love with me' *

207 la comare: 'the gossip' *

207 brigata di donne: 'a great company of ladies' *

207 Vinegia: 'Venice'

207 queste donne: 'these ladies' ['they' *]

207 partita: 'took her leave' *

207 le parve mille anni che ella fosse: 'seemed a thousand years till she would be' *

207 dove potesse: 'wheras she might' * ['where she could']

207 e ragunatasi: 'and foregathering' *

207 ordinatamente raccontò: 'orderly recounted' *

207 avenne che: 'As chance would have it' *

207 il quale: 'who' *

207 andatovi, appena spogliato s'era, che i cognati … furono all' uscio: 'hardly had he put his clothes on ere her brothers-in-law, who had seen him come, were at the door' *

208 sentendo: 'hearing' *

208 e avvisato: 'and warned'

208 levatosi: 'started up' *

208 non avendo: 'not having' ['having no other [resource]' *]

208 aperse: 'opened' *

208 e si gittò: 'and cast himself' *

208 prestamente se n'entrò: 'hastily entering' *

208 'pregando … che per l'amor di Dio gli scampasse la vita, sue favole dicendo, perchè … fosse: '[asking the young man] to save his life for the love of God, telling him a tale of his own fashion, to explain]' *

208 quivi a quella ora e ignudo: 'there at that hour and naked' *

208 mise, e dissegli, e andò: 'put him [in his own bed], and bade him […], [and] he went' *

208 Entrate... trovarono che... se n'era volato: [the brothers-in-law] 'entered... and found that [he] had flown'

208 dissero, e ultimamente lasciarono stare, e tornasi: 'they said, and ultimately gave it up, and returned' ['they gave her all manner hard words and ultimately made off to their own house […], leaving her' *]

211 soupendra: 'suspend' *

213 buono uomo: 'good man' *

213 si posero in cuore di trovare questo agnolo e di sapere e egli sapesse volare: 'bethought themselves to find the angel in question and see if he knew how to fly' *

214 Libro di Novelle e di bel parlar gentile: 'Book of short stories and of nice witticisms'

214 exempla: 'examples' [moral anecdotes used to illustrate a point]

215 bel parlare: 'witticism'

215 interrogantis uxorem: 'the wife of him who asked' *

215 utrum plus vellet habare sub se: 'he would not like to have something to put under him' *

215 benedicatur ipse quia de nostris est: 'Good for him, he is one of us!' *

215 frater Paulus Millemusce: ‘[brother] Paul Thousandflies’ *

215 trufatores: ‘jokers’ *

216 genus: ‘genre / form’

216 fabula milesiaca: ‘Milesian fable’ [folk tale]

216 volgare: ‘vernacular’

217 rifacimenti: ‘reworkings’

220 Comare, egli non si vuol dire, ma l’intendimento mio è l'agnolo Gabriello: ‘Gossip, it must go no farther; but he I mean [my sweetheart] is the angel Gabriel’ *

220 Mal volontier lo dico; / ma sforzami la tua chiara favella, / Che mi fa sovvenir del mondo antico: ‘I speak unwillingly; but your plain speech, that brings the memory of the old world to me, is what compels me’ [trans. Mandelbaum]

221 videntes hoc Florentini, qui turfatores maximi sunt, ridere ciperunt: ‘Seeing this, the Florentines, who are great jokers, began to laugh’ *

221 le sue parole e il modo de la pena m’avean di costui già letto il nome: ‘Already his words and the manner of his punishment had read his name to me’ * [translated in Mimesis, ch.8, p.176]

223 che poco sale avea in zucca: ‘who had little wit in her noodle’ * [literally ‘little salt in her pumpkin’]

223 che piccola levatura avea: ‘who was eath enough to draw’ * [who was featherbrained]

223 una giovane donna bamba e sciocca; sentiva dello scemo; donna mestola; donna zucca al vento, la quale era anzi che no un poco dolce di sale; madona baderla; donna poco fila: [here Auerbach lists a series of Boccaccio’s colloquialisms. They make little sense in English so literal translations would probably obscure the point, which is that, in describing Lisetta, Boccacio invokes a diverse range of colloquial (and invariably insulting) ways of referring to a woman.]

224 ma Guccio Imbratta il quale era: ‘But Guccio Imbratta, who was’

224 più vago di stare in cucina che sopra i verdi rami l’usignolo: ‘fonder of the kitchen than any nightingale of the green boughs’

224 grassa e grossa e piccola e mal fatta e con un paio di poppe che parevan due ceston da letame: ‘a coarse fat woman, short and misshapen, with a pair of breasts that shewed as two buckets of muck’

224 non altramenti che si gitta l’avoltoio alla carogna: ‘like a vulture swooping down upon the carrion’

224 umilissimo e rimesso: ‘in as homely and simple a style as may be’

224 nobilissime donne: ‘noble women’

224 ad un uom pesato e grave: ‘a man of weight and gravity’

225 la resurrezion della carne: ‘the resurrection of meat’ [untranslated in Rigg]

226 ad te levavi: ‘I lift up to you’

229 Qual io fui vivo, tal son morto: ‘That which I was in life, I am in death’

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