2: Fortunata [DRAFT]

[* indicates that a previous translation given in the Trask text is being followed]

26 nummos modio metitur: ‘measures money by the bushel’ *

26 ignoscet mihi genius tuus: ‘I hope you won’t mind me putting it that way’ *

26 noluisses de manu illius panem acipere: ‘you wouldn’t have accepted a piece of bread from her hands’ *

26 in caelum abiit: ‘sits on top of the world’ *

26 topanta est: ‘her one and only’ *

26 Ad summam: ‘in sum’

28 Et modo, modo quid fuit: ‘And not so long ago, not so long ago, what was she?’ *

28 de nihilo crevit: ‘when he started out he had nothing’ *

28 quam bene se habuit: ‘he used to have a nicely feathered nest too’ *

37 nullis novis causis, nisi quod mutatis principes licentiam turbarum et ex civili bello spem praemiorum ostendebat: ‘without any fresh grounds, save that the accession of a new prince promised impunity to tumult, and held out the hope of advantages to be derived from a civil war’ *

37 novis: ‘new’ (‘fresh’ *)

37 histrionale studium: ‘theatrical study’

37 licentia: ‘impunity’ *

37 spes praemiorum: ‘hope of advantages’ *

37 pessimus quisque: ‘profligate’ *

37 inexperti animi: ‘minds uniformed’ *

40 quis fratri meo vitam, quis fratrem mihi reddit: ‘who restores to my brother his life, or my brother to myself?’

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